Hello there! Wow, I'm just learning all sorts of new technical stuff! I really have no idea what to write here but here goes:
OK, today, I was pretty lazy.... I had a lot on my mind about a previous relationship and it pretty much gave me a headache. I laid down for a couple hours and then got back on the horse about getting " real " for my new business Liberty League International.... I went on the networking site and found some interesting things ( including starting this ) on the top income earners "pages" and did a lot of reading and watching inspirational videos.... The more I do this the more I believe I can walk in their shoes sooner rather than later. It just comes down to a CHOICE. These people are millionaires and some even billionaires.... And they all say the same thing: it starts in your mind. Change the way you think, see yourself living the life and you will attain it. We have all heard this our entire lives( read the books and seen the DVD"s) so why is it so hard to do? -Because we tell ourselves it's hard. We focus on the things we don't want ( most of the time not even consciously ) and we don't make a daily habit of doing the things we know will bring us closer to our goal. Most important: we haven't taken the time to learn more about us, who we are, our total selves, most important our intuitive selvess... Don't get me wrong, I have yet to master this but they have and if I am going to seek advice (or share advice ) it would be from those I admire and have made a massive success in their lives... Anyway, I could go on and on about this subject for now I think I will break till tomorrow...
However, I will leave you with this: You become who you hang around. Look around you- Is everyone earning $50-$60K or less? Then more then likely you will too. Now that's not a bad income, however I would be surprised if someone said it was a good income; especially in year 2008.
If you're happy with it though, allowing for a night out with the family once in a blue moon as that is about all energy you can muster from working 40,50,60+ hours a week- good for you. For those of us who want more-
and you want to change something, whatever it is; start hanging around the people who have already accomplished what it is your looking to achieve! ;o)
OK, today, I was pretty lazy.... I had a lot on my mind about a previous relationship and it pretty much gave me a headache. I laid down for a couple hours and then got back on the horse about getting " real " for my new business Liberty League International.... I went on the networking site and found some interesting things ( including starting this ) on the top income earners "pages" and did a lot of reading and watching inspirational videos.... The more I do this the more I believe I can walk in their shoes sooner rather than later. It just comes down to a CHOICE. These people are millionaires and some even billionaires.... And they all say the same thing: it starts in your mind. Change the way you think, see yourself living the life and you will attain it. We have all heard this our entire lives( read the books and seen the DVD"s) so why is it so hard to do? -Because we tell ourselves it's hard. We focus on the things we don't want ( most of the time not even consciously ) and we don't make a daily habit of doing the things we know will bring us closer to our goal. Most important: we haven't taken the time to learn more about us, who we are, our total selves, most important our intuitive selvess... Don't get me wrong, I have yet to master this but they have and if I am going to seek advice (or share advice ) it would be from those I admire and have made a massive success in their lives... Anyway, I could go on and on about this subject for now I think I will break till tomorrow...
However, I will leave you with this: You become who you hang around. Look around you- Is everyone earning $50-$60K or less? Then more then likely you will too. Now that's not a bad income, however I would be surprised if someone said it was a good income; especially in year 2008.
If you're happy with it though, allowing for a night out with the family once in a blue moon as that is about all energy you can muster from working 40,50,60+ hours a week- good for you. For those of us who want more-
and you want to change something, whatever it is; start hanging around the people who have already accomplished what it is your looking to achieve! ;o)
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