Friday, July 25, 2008

Good stuff!

The Secret To Working From Homeby Shane Krider

Many times in life we find success is easily within our grasp but other times we seem to struggle. Why is it success comes so easily at times but other times, no matter how hard we work or try to succeed, it always seems to be just out of our reach?Ultimately, what holds us back the most from achieving our goals is the conditioning from our past that we are clinging to. It's our beliefs that keep us stuck. In order to exceed what we have achieved in the past, we must be willing to let go of the limiting beliefs we have of other people, the world, and ourselves. When it comes to things we struggle with, the beliefs that are holding us back are reinforced. Reinforced in that, we feel it will cost us something to let go. We think these beliefs somehow protect us even though we can plainly see the damage they are doing in our lives.The easiest way to let go of the reinforced beliefs that no longer serve us is to come to grips with what they are really costing us and everyone around us. Then, any amount of pain we believe we might feel will seem like a small price to pay in exchange for giving up our hold on these beliefs.What is not always easy to recognize at the beginning of this journey is how unbelievably good it actually feels to rid ourselves of these haunting beliefs. There is no pain in letting go of these beliefs; the pain solely comes from trying to hold on. The more of these beliefs you discard, the easier it gets. You can quickly find a whole new level of inner peace, and emotional balance through just letting go.Your mind will soon quiet and you will find an inner peace. Amazingly, you will begin to hear all the chatter in everyone else's minds as it is clear in their spoken language (Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah). As you listen to others, you can begin to hear their fears, regrets, self doubts and all the other nonsense we allow to hold ourselves back.You can especially hear it in your prospects. You know when someone is lying (by the way, they are not lying to you..... they are lying to themselves, in front of you), and you know when someone has put on a fake personality to have a conversation with you.Once your mind is quiet, you will have no tolerance for this behavior. You will start challenging your prospects with a whole new level of posture. You will be able to cut like a knife right to the "real" reasons people are choosing to stay stuck. And, you'll find you are able to quickly recognize who your prospect is after just a few minutes of an interview.You will be empowered to ask your prospects questions that will "wake them up" and challenge them to break out of their fake persona and actually "get real" with you. You may be the first person they have "gotten real with" in years. They will definitely see you as a "real person" and they will believe they can trust you, a stranger on the phone, more than they trust anyone else in their life.In many cases, they will trust you and be more real with you than they are with their spouse, their co-workers, anyone. They will recognize you as the leader who can show them how to get real results in their life. This level of presence and posture, is what true leaders operate with and why they never feel the need to convince. True leaders engage in a powerful, authentic conversation in which they are not afraid to challenge their prospects and they simply ask people to follow their own hearts.It is truly a gift to be able to communicate with people on this level; a gift you give yourself. Prospecting with a quiet mind allows you to maintain a high level of relaxed confident energy and you will never see prospecting as difficult or draining again.Once you have experienced this level of authentic communication with people, you will begin to recognize all the times your so-called friends let you off the hook, or obviously aren't even really listening to you. You will begin to see how fake and self-absorbed most people are. You will see very quickly why people never get the results they say they want. They are totally unwilling to let go of the stories they have created about the reality of how life really is. Letting go of these stories would mean they would actually have to take responsibility for all of their results in life. The good news for us is there are millions of people out there who are serious about making a real change in their lives and feel stuck because everyone around them has their own agendas.So, if you are ready to break free, here is what will be required...The first and only thing you must do is give up and abandon the beliefs no longer serving you. Once you have done this, the people you speak with will be like an open book. You will get a picture of what they say they want, and you will recognize how what they are actually saying with their language eliminates that as a possibility for their life. When you begin prospecting with a quiet mind, you will begin to hear the message behind what your prospect is saying and feel comfortable challenging them.For example, you might say at some point during the interview, "You told me that you want to make 100k a year and are willing to do what ever it takes, but now you're saying that you only willing to do what it takes if it won't cost you anything."You can be calm and confident in the challenge, allowing your prospect to recognize how stuck they are. The prospect will either wake-up or will attempt to engage you in a self-serving defense of their limiting beliefs.With this level of presence and posture, you will be confident in releasing the prospect if you believe they don't have the drive, desire and gusto to really make this happen for himself. In the same scenario, when your mind is not so quiet, you might try to convince the prospect of the logic behind coming up with the start up cost in order to make millions. This is silly, and it insults the intelligence of the prospect (whether they know it or not) and it's just you, trying to save the sale without any consideration of yourself or your prospect.The only reason you would ever feel the need to convince, explain or sell is when you are not present and are operating from a place of force rather than power. The reason we engage in conversations when others are attempting to defend their limiting beliefs is because we want to be right and feel insecure ourselves.In releasing your limiting beliefs, you will also release the need to operate from a place of force and righteousness, allowing the flow to happen freely. You will find yourself relaxed, confident and assured of your greater good as you prospect and move forward in your business.

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